How do I volunteer as a lawyer at CLASSIC?
Volunteer lawyers typically lend their help through our Legal Advice Clinic (LAC). LACs are generally 30-minute appointments where lawyers meet with individuals and provide legal advice. CLASSIC will book people in for LAC appointments when we are not able to represent them, but they otherwise meet our financial eligibility guidelines. We may not be able to represent them for several reasons, most notably, that they require assistance with an area of law that CLASSIC cannot assist with (e.g. family). Please see more about the LAC on the What We Do page.
If you are interested in volunteering for CLASSIC's LAC program, please phone (306) 657-6100 or email
I am interested in making a donation to CLASSIC. How can I do that?
Thank you! To make an electronic donation, please click on the Donate button at the top of the page. Otherwise, please feel free to mail a cheque to:
123 - 20th Street West
Saskatoon, SK · S7M 0W7
CLASSIC is a registered charity so we will issue you a donation receipt for your donation. If you donate through the online option, your receipt will be issued directly by Canada Helps.
How else can I support CLASSIC?
Follow us on social media at:
- Facebook @CLASSICSaskatoon
- Instagram @classiclawyxe
Watch our pages and website for information about upcoming fundraisers!